About Me

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Euania, Scotland
Euan Menzies (Manzies). Age; 20. Height; 5'6". IQ; 17. Enjoy.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Euan's Diary; 30.05.08

Euan had Weetabix for breakfast today. He likes it. Then he came to school and I asked him some questions; he answered. Euan seemed a wee bit upset though, he wasn't smiling and I think it's cause he never hugged his Dad last night before bed. Euan rarely hugs his parents. He doesn't like showing them too many emotions. When they ask him how he is, he just says, "fine"... I hope he gets over this one day, for his own sake.

Euan's first class was Product Design, but he barely worked. Then he came and sat in the library with his little brother, Niall. Euan and Niall have a weird relationship. They are oddly close to each other, but they like it, so each to their own. Aemilia stole Euan's seat, and he looked discontented. She is always mean to Euan; I'll sort her out (EDIT: And with the use of hinsight, I really did. Edinburgh.)

Euan doesn't seem to like the diary. I don't know why. I always try to do nice things for him, but he never respects the effort I put in to them.

Euan spoke to Emma about something. Neither Emma nor I seemed to understand what he was speaking about. I think it's Final Fantasy.

Euan has nice eyes. I really like them... everyone does. They're so blue, yet grey. I think it captures both aspects of his life. The sunny, with the rainy.

Euan did that little sigh that he always does when I do something nice for him. It upsets me.
I made a film of Euan. He likes it. He might be a big movie start one day.

I realised why Euan is grumpy today. He went to a concert last night and is tired. Euan also has sensitive ears. He always complains when I sing for him, and I think listening to "Scouting for Girls" may have had the same affect. I hope he feels better soon.

I told Euan that he'd get his £10 back that I owe him. He gave me a sarcastic "yeah..."... I don't know what else I can do to make him happy. I am even trying my hardest to get money back to him that he kindly lent to me. I'll keep trying harder to make him smile.

Euan went to his climbing wall club tonight. He has been a member for like a month or so now. I remember the first time we both went to the climbing wall. It was on a person who is now dead’s birthday. We were both the best at it, but I was a wee bit better because I had a bit more upper body strength than Euan. No offence to him, but he was a wee bit fat back then. He is now skinny but misses being fat. He fills his pockets with so much crap every day, just so he can pretend that he is “one of them”… why not, it makes him happy. I hope he always enjoys his climbing. It’s nice for him to have a hobby where he can meet other people.

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