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Euania, Scotland
Euan Menzies (Manzies). Age; 20. Height; 5'6". IQ; 17. Enjoy.

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Best argument of my holiday.

So me and my cousin were sitting two nights ago, while on holiday near Aviemore. The argument (I'd say discussion, but that would imply some thought on his behalf, EVER.) finally made it's way onto "the worst disney character ever". I argued powerfully for the charater that Bruce Willis plays in "The Kid", but still remain the only one that thinks he's a cunt. So then it was my cousin's turn;

Mark; "Mandy, the deer"
Me; "Mandy? :P Don't you mean Bambi?"
Mark; "Yeah, Bambi. The one what's Mum got shooted at for ivory."

What can I say? He trully is a ginger vine creeping around near - but definitely independantly of - my family tree.

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