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Euania, Scotland
Euan Menzies (Manzies). Age; 20. Height; 5'6". IQ; 17. Enjoy.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Bus Musings 8

On the way to the bus today, I realised that there were no homeless on the streets. Now, I realise it's only the second of January, so there is really nobody on the streets, but the street dwellers? Surely they'd still be on the street. You're not going to tell me that they're away home for 'the holidays'.

When I first moved into my flat over a year ago, it was the first time I had to see homelessness on a daily basis. I lived in the country before moving into the centre of town. We had murders in the woods, but not a whiff of homeless people (I'm not saying them smell, but they do), which is weird, because surely they would have heard of Rasputin and his forest dwelling ways, or maybe they're homeless and have bigger problems to contend with, than keep abreast of minor Russian historical figures.

I don't know. This isn't even that funny, but it is a musing.

Anyway, my story. I had just moved into my flat and was staying in and getting drunk with friends. My friend Iain, as always, got the most drunk. He was shouting at the homeless from the safety of my warm flat (because I was still naive enough to put the heating on). We thought it was hilarious at the time, but I regret it now. I don't even know that rough sleeper's name. I think she's dead now.

1 comment:

random homeless guy said...

we've been hiding while we plot our revenge