About Me

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Euania, Scotland
Euan Menzies (Manzies). Age; 20. Height; 5'6". IQ; 17. Enjoy.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

All's Quiet On The Euan Menzies Front

So, all is quiet on the Euan Menzies front at the moment. I've heard a lot of complaints, like "Paul, you're too funny", "you make my sides literally split and my doctor refuses to stitch them up again" and "there's not been enough updates recently, on the show or the blog". Well, I can certainly buy you some stitches (I wont) and explain why the updates have been few and far between.

There are great things to come. There really are great things in the works. We've all seen the preview made for the Euan Menzies Show, series two and that was only the start. Bob threw that together in a few hours and I wasn't even aware of it. Now take that and multiply the hilarity by itself. You've almost started to imagine how good our new stuff is going to be. It's not very Euan heavy at all, but it's still amazing.

We've had weekly meetings, daily discussions and we even have an ever-evolving dropbox of ideas. Our new work is going to be in super HD quality and even has producers (depending on how well our Monday meeting goes). I'll get an advert knocked together soon. Be prepared, because it's going to be epic.

And a wee treat for the Euan fans;

Euan is scared of aerosol cans. When he was in 3rd year of school, a boy came up to him on the bus and sprayed deodorant in his eyes. He's never got over it, and right so, but that does not justify what he does to make himself feel better about it.
The other day I came into Euan's room and I thought he had gone mental (again). He had a metal bin in his room with a fire in it (like a student at a fucking riot (he kind of was a student at a riot, except for the fact that he's a computing student (not a real student))). He was shouting "why mummy why???" and throwing the aerosols cans into the fire. One tear falling each time a can exploded.
It was such a sad thing to watch, that I sat down beside him and cried with him, as our flat started to burn.

Read Bob's Blog and watch our preview to the Euan Menzies Show.


Niall Menzies said...

I thought it was umbongo that got in his eyes?

Paul said...

Oh now that is a story for another day :P